Back when we were leading up to the election of Barack Obama, I thought I recognized a readiness of U.S. citizens for something entirely different, and Obama had the face and the charisma. Politics aside, as I still would have been impressed with us (somewhat) if he had been a hardcore Republican loyalist, I knew the idea of "change" was a big part of his following. I stayed up late the night of the election, and I don't mind admitting I got a little choked up when it was announced. We had done it-- not elected another democrat, but voted for change. I have a soft spot for underdogs, and... well, people who looked like me used to own people who looked like him. Go, you, man. Go, you! I was raised to believe in exactly this kind of country, and we did it. I was disappointed and frustrated with Obama sometimes; I was disgusted by the obstruction he faced. I couldn't think of a single job I would still have if I had steadfast refused to work with my boss-- and I am not talking about disagreements or whatever any person would use to completely oversimplify the point-- I'm talking about losing all decorum, turning my back and putting my fingers in my ears like some childish asshole.
Anyway, eight years later we went from decorum and diplomacy to... dumpster-diving for idiocy.
I'm still just all... Fuck... about that one.